Sentences with Whole Phrases as Subjects:
Here are some example sentences using the provided phrases as subjects:
* Баренцево море, расположенное на севере Европы, известно своими богатыми рыбными ресурсами. (The Barents Sea, located in northern Europe, is known for its rich fish resources.)
* Остров Новая Земля, находящийся в Северном Ледовитом океане, является местом проведения ядерных испытаний. (The island of Novaya Zemlya, located in the Arctic Ocean, is a nuclear test site.)
* Сельское хозяйство, как важная отрасль экономики, обеспечивает население продуктами питания. (Agriculture, as an important sector of the economy, provides the population with food.)
These sentences demonstrate how a whole phrase can act as the subject, performing the action or being described by the verb.
* "Баренцево море" and "Остров Новая Земля" are noun phrases specifying geographical locations that are further described in the sentence.
* "Сельское хозяйство" is a noun phrase representing a complex concept (an entire economic sector) which is then characterized by its function.
The examples you provided already demonstrate the correct usage of whole phrases as subjects. They are well-constructed and informative sentences.